7-9 Oct 2024 Lyon (France)

Journées Scientifiques “Galaxies”

The French Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG) organizes a national conference on Oct 7-9 2024 in Lyon on galaxy formation and evolution, nearby galaxies, and Galactic archeology. 

We particularly encourage researchers funded by the PNCG, students, postdocs, and young researchers in France or with ties to the French community to present their work. Registration is free of charge. We have limited funds to support travel to Lyon -- please ask when registering if needed, before the abstract submission deadline on July 12th.

Presentations will be in English and in-person only, i.e. not remotely.  We welcome both talk and poster submissions, and we aim to include flash-talks for all poster presenters. Please note that if you want to give a talk or show a poster, you need to submit this specifically, i.e. it is not enough to just register your participation in the conference.

Key themes: 

  • The first galaxies
  • Chemical enrichment and primordial gas
  • Statistical properties of galaxies
  • Interaction between galaxies and their environment
  • Galaxy groups and cluster
  • Nearby galaxies
  • Galactic archeology
  • Star formation and the interstellar medium
  • Stellar populations
  • Galactic dynamics and dark matter
  • Simulations
  • AI, neural networks and data science

 Invited speakers:

  • Hakim Atek (IAP)
  • Camila Correa (CEA Saclay)
  • Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CEA Saclay)
  • Jeremy Fensch (CRAL)
  • Anaëlle Hallé (LERMA)
  • Alejandra Recio-Blanco (OCA)



We will host the conference at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, in the "Institut Français de l'Éducation", 19 All. de Fontenay, 69007 Lyon, room D8.001 on the ground floor.








Key dates

July 12th 2024: deadline for abstract submission and travel aid requests

August 1st 2024: programme announced

Sept 6th 2024: deadline for registration

Oct 7th 2024: beginning of the conference (around noon)

Oct 9th 2024: end of the conference (around 6 pm)


Nicolas Bouché
Laure Ciesla
Jonathan Freundlich
Benjamin Magnelli
Nicolas Martin
Anne-Laure Melchior
Joki Rosdahl (chair)
Jenny Sorce


Quentin Basto
Jérémy Blaizot
Jérémy Fensch
Nicolas Bouché
Bianca-Iulia Ciocan
Yucheng Guo
Romain Lenoble
Louis Quilley
Joki Rosdahl
Johan Richard

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